Mon - Sun: 8:00 - 16:00 PST

Major Cities in Northridge in California with Links to Dealership are listed here. All Northridge used Cars Dealerships got big Inventory with Real Reviews about their Dealership and Staff from Local Northridge California Customers.

Dealer NameCityInventory
Austin HealthMate Air Filters
27 Essex Drive
NorthridgeAustin HealthMate Air Filters Inventory
Auto Link
19015 Parthenia Street
NorthridgeAuto Link Inventory
Auto Wholesale Center
8716 Darby Avenue
NorthridgeAuto Wholesale Center Inventory
Auto Wholesale Center
NorthridgeAuto Wholesale Center Inventory
8700 Reseda Boulevard
NorthridgeAutomatic Inventory
Baker Restoration
8707 Shirley Avenue
NorthridgeBaker Restoration Inventory
Balboa Equipment Rentals
17655 Roscoe Boulevard
NorthridgeBalboa Equipment Rentals Inventory
Best Price Auto Sales
8651 Lindley Avenue
NorthridgeBest Price Auto Sales Inventory
Chopper House
PO Box 7384
NorthridgeChopper House Inventory
Cofbel Corp
9349 Melvin Ave
NorthridgeCofbel Corp Inventory


Used Car Dealerships

Updated List of used Cars Dealerships in Northridge California

Northridge Dealerships California opens around 9 AM and close at 5 PM. Once they Accept your Appointment for anything, Northridge dealerships never back off.